Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Russian proverbs about redheads and a decree from Peter the Great

Here are some Russian proverbs about redheads. Keep in mind I'm not Russian mothertongue and, although I studied Russian language at the university, I don't have a deep knowledge of Russian traditions. For this reason, I double-checked the proverbs below, just to be sure they were actual proverbs (and not, for example, quotations from books or songs). However, should you find any mistake, please let us know!

 -    Pыжий да красный — человек опасный
Red-haired and red: a dangerous person (In Russian, the adjective pыжий is used to refer to hair colour, or to animals' coat colour, while красный is used in all the other cases)

-    C чёрным баню не топи, с рыжим дружбу не води
 Don’t go to the bathouse with a black-haired person, don’t make friends with a red-haired person

-    Рыжи да плешивы – все люди фальшивы (спесивые)
 The red-haired and the bald are false (arrogant) people

-    Рыжих и во святых нет
There are no red-haired saints

-    Избави нас, Боже, от лыса, коса, рыжа и кривоноса
Here I'm not sure about the meaning of koca. The first meaning is braid, plait, but it also means spit or schyte. Anyway, the translation is: God save us from baldness, from the plaits (?), from the redheads and from those wuth a crooked nose 

-    С черным в лес не ходи, рыжему пальца в рот не клади, лысому не верь, а с курчавым не вяжись.
Don’t go to the forest with a black-haired man, don’t put a finger into the redhead’s mouth, don’t believe a bald, stay away from curly-haired people

-    Рыжего Зырянина создал Бог, рыжего татарина – черт
Red-haired Zyryans have been created by God, red-haired Tatars by the devil (Today the Zyryans are called Komi

-    Упрям, как рыжий Зырянин
Stubborn like a red-haired Zyaryn

-    У рыжей лисы не чернобровые щенята
The red fox does not have black-browed puppies

-    А я что, рыжий, что ли?
What am I, a redhead? (Meaning: what am I, a stupid?)

As for Peter the Great, as you probably know he issued many decrees, which reformed and modernised life in Russia. Some of them are quite curious. For example, he imposed a tax on beards. Anyone who wanted to preserve his beard had to pay a certain amount annually to the treasury. For the nobility, it was six hundred rubles a year, for merchants - one hundred, townships cost sixty, and servants and others - thirty (which were very serious amounts for those times). Only the peasants were exempt from this annual tax, but for the entrance to the city they had to pay a penny for their beard. Another decree was "On cleanliness in Moscow". He punished all people who didn't clean the debris on the pavements and in yards. "If you find it, take it out of town and dig it into the ground." As for redheads, Peter the Great issued a decree forbidding them to hold any public office, testifying in courts and working on ships, because, he said, "God marks the rascal!" This is quite strange, since, according to our research, Peter the Great was a redhead himself. 

Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

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