Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Ginger cats, the most intelligent of all!

Those of you who have or have had red cats will no doubt have noticed that they are much more intelligent than cats of other colours (mine are 😁).
The interesting thing is that the famous ethologist Desmond Morris has also noticed this.
Here is an English translation of a couple of paragraphs from this article.


"Is there a relationship between the colours of cats and their character?
To answer this question, the well-known British ethologist Desmond Morris has carried out a very thorough study that relates the colour of a cat's coat to its personality. And the results are truly fascinating!

The basic consideration from which Morris started is very simple: cats of the same colour tend to develop very similar behaviour. The next step was to observe numerous similar specimens to try to associate each colour with a precise character. This led to some interesting considerations.


Red cats 

They are the most intelligent. It is no coincidence that the very few cat trainers on the world stage favour them for their acts in circus and television shows. It is difficult to say to what such intelligence is due. Desmond Morris has a theory of his own: accustomed from an early age to being the centre of attention because of their unusual and striking colour, red kittens are said to have developed a kind of 'egocentrism' that makes them more receptive and in need of attention than others."


And what do you think is the reason for this higher intelligence of red cats? 😸

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