"A pamphlet has lately been written on the physical characteristics of the [Jewish] race by JOHN BEDDOE, B. A., M. D., President of the Anthropological Society, etc. A good deal of this pamphlet is occupied with the question as to whether the existence of light hair and eyes among the Jews is compatible with purity of race. It seems unquestionable that xanthous Jews exist into whom there has been no recent importation of Gentile blood: and the fact that these red-haired Jews are found in countries widely separated precludes the idea that any special local cause, such as climate, has wrought the change. Dr. Beddoe suggests three possible sources of early admixture, which he thinks may explain the xanthous element observed among living Jews. The Jews may have intermixed with inhabitants of Spain long before the Babylonian captivity, or with the Phoenicians; or, lastly, the known amalgamation of the Idumeans with the Jews may be the source whence the red hair, which probably characterised that people, has been derived."
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Red Hair of the Red Earth
More Red-Haired Mummies
"From the ethnological work of Dr. Barnard Davis, as descriptive of Egyptian mummies, these extracts are taken: "Short locks of flowing, reddish brown hair. - Has long reddish brown hair, which is plaited and fastened behind. - Orthognathous face, which is almost in the form of a triangle. - Has a narrow face, with long, slender nose. - Hair in short, very curly, reddish brown locks. - A large head, with a long pointed nose, and rather broad face."
Red Hair & The Red Heifer
"HEIFER parah, or rather parah adummah, "the red heifer," a young cow used in sacrifice at the Temple. Moses and Aaron were instructed to deliver the Divine command to the children of Israel, that they should procure a "red heifer without spot," that is, one that was entirely red, without one spot of any other colour, "free from blemish, and on which the yoke had never yet come," that is, which had never yet been employed in ploughing the ground, or in any other work. The animal was to be delivered to the priest, who was to lead her forth out of the camp, and there to slay her; the priest was then to take the blood with his finger, and sprinkle it seven times before the tabernacle; and afterwards to burn the carcass; then to take cedar wood and hyssop, and scarlet wood, and cast them into the flames. The ashes were to be gathered up, and preserved in a secure and clean place, for the use of the congregation, by the sprinkling of which ashes in water it became a water of separation. Spencer and some other writers think that the selection of this victim was in opposition to the superstitions of Egypt. The Egyptians never sacrificed cows, which were sacred to Isis; the Israelites generally offered males in sacrifice, but on this occasion they were directed to choose a heifer; it was also to be red, which is the only occasion on which any direction is given in this respect, a circumstance to which the priests of Egypt gave much attention*. Red hair was held in abhorrence by them, as they believed Typhon, the Satan of their religious system, to be of that colour, and to whom, according to Plutarch, they offered red bulls in sacrifice.It is thought that a red heifer, under this law, was sacrificed every year, and the ashes distributed to all the towns and cities of Israel. But the Rabbins differ on this point, which is thus stated by Maimonides: - "Nine red heifers have been sacrificed between the delivering of this precept and the desolation of the second temple. Our master, Moses, sacrificed the first; Ezra offered up the second; and seven more were slain during the period which elapsed from the time of Ezra to the destruction of the (second) temple; the tenth, King Messiah himself shall sacrifice; by his speedy manifestation he shall cause great joy. Amen: may he come quickly."With regard to not putting under yoke animals offered in sacrifice, it may be observed, this was a custom among the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, as they considered animals that had been made to serve other purposes were unworthy to be offered to the gods.*Sir William Ouseley has with considerable ability discussed this subject, and shown that almost all over the East idols were painted or smeared with red."
A Spanish Proverb About Red Hair
Another super short one (I knew these finds weren't all long). This time it's simply an old Spanish saying about redheads. It comes from an English/Spanish dictionary published in 1726.
"A lame ass, and a red-hair'd man, and the devil, are all one."
Monday, November 28, 2022
Jumbee Jamaican Red-Haired Devil
"..go down below into the Earth, to live along with Jumbee, viz. the Devil, whom they insist upon, to be of neither White nor Black, but of a red Mullatto Colour, without Horns, Tail, or cloven Hoofs: However, they all agree, that he has long Red Hair growing on his Breast."
Some More 19th Century Mentions of Red Hair
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Charles I - Auburn Hair ?
"The amount of red colouring matter in hair, for example, is very great, and often exists where it is unsuspected. Some years ago when red hair was at a discount, and ladies with black hair heaped derision on their red-haired sisters, they would not have felt much flattered if they had been told that their hair had quite as much of the red pigment as that of the most fiery-locked of the despised "carrots."Yet the hair of William Rufus and of the blackest negro possess an equal amount of red matter, only in the latter the red is over-powered by the addition of black particles.In the true auburn hair, where the black colouring matter is replaced by brown, the red is visible through the darker hue, and in the sunbeams makes the hair look as if mixed with threads of shining gold. In the museum at Oxford there is a lock of hair taken from the head of Charles I. Though it has lain for so many years in the tomb, it still retains its bright auburn, and in the sunlight the golden threads sparkle in it as if it belonged to a young girl."
I've included the first two paragraphs as they relate to another topic discussed on these pages. Namely that people with dark hair have the red pigment in their hair too, it's just masked or "over-powered" by the darker pigment. Today we would say that people with darker hair also have the pheomelanin that makes red hair red, but that they also have high levels of eumelanin that mask it - which redheads do not have (or have, but to a relatively lower extent).
As for Charles the First we already have a redhead page for him.
See here: https://redheadsinhistory.blogspot.com/2018/06/226-charles-i-of-england.html
It would perhaps be a little cheeky to claim him as a redhead, but it does seem that his hair at least had some reddish elements. I also came across this article which supposedly shows some of his hair.
The article states that one Sir Henry Halford, a physician to King George III, who was part of a group that inspected the newly discovered tomb of Charles back in 1813, described the hair as:
"..thick at the back part of the head and, in appearance, nearly black. A portion of it, which has since been cleaned and dried, is of a beautiful dark brown colour. That of the beard was a redder brown."
So in this account the hair is somewhat darker. In the images accompanying the article the hair also appears fairly dark, though it's often hard to judge such images due to variations in lighting and photographic methods. So doubt is the order of the day. Especially given that the tomb of Charles was said to have been opened on the 1st of April, 1813 (!)
Mary, Queen of Scots: The Auburn Wig
THOUGH THE HAIR is certainly the loveliest frame that could be devised for the human face, and though we see it constantly in an infinite number of beautiful colours and shades, it is a curious fact that few women are quite satisfied with the colour of their own hair. Even those to whom nature has been as liberal in point of quality as in that of quantity, think they might look better if there was "just one more shade of gold," or "a richer dash of chestnut," or "a more decided black," in the chevelure. Even, Mary Queen of Scots was dissatisfied with her dark and luxuriant tresses, scented always with violets, and wore over them an auburn wig, the colour fashionable in the time of la reine rousse, Elizabeth. The love of change extends from the dress to the hair itself, and some wilful beauties would like to wear a different coloured coiffure with each costume.
19th Century Fashion Tips For How To Wear Your Red Hair
RED HAIR CLAIMS our attention first for two reasons: 1st, that it always claims the attention first, and 2nd, that it belongs to the classification blonde, which gives us the colours most fashionable at the present day.ENTER A ROOM in daylight (by artificial light red loses much of its ferocity), where there are women without bonnets or hats, and if there be one of them with bright, unmistakable red hair, she will stand out from the rest with a never-failing prominence which, if she be a pretty woman - and red-haired women have often great beauty of feature, and very often lovely complexions - is of the greatest advantage to her, socially speaking, and, if she is not pretty, an equal disadvantage. Notice a girls' school (ladies' school it is the snobbish fashion of the day to call them !) walking two and two along the road or street, and if there are one or two with red plaits visible at the back or a red fringe apparent in front, the eye picks them out in a moment from the dark-haired and the brown.RED HAIR IS NOT admired at our end of the nineteenth century, except by the few who have the "courage of their opinions." With the exclusion of a peculiarly vivid orange variety, we give it as our unhesitating opinion that red hair is frequently artistically beautiful, and that it can be treated in two different ways - by similitude or by contrast - with such excellent effect that, could only the possessors of this maligned colour be induced universally to practise these modes of treatment, red hair would soon be as fashionable as it was in 1830, and for some years later. Were the colour more uncommon than it is, red hair would not, probably, need artifice to make it popular. It is usually very plentiful, and is sometimes very soft and fine, but its great disadvantage is that it is too often seen in company with more red hair of a different shade. It is much more difficult to treat it collectively than individually. That is really a clever girl who, with prononcé red hair, manages not only to make it look as picturesque as it ought to look, but contrives to individualize her own particular shade of red.WHY IT SHOULD BE called "red" is difficult to imagine. Hair is never red. The shades that are called by that name are either yellow or orange.In 1830 RED hair was so fashionable that possessors of the most magnificent chevelures of chestnut or black dyed these tresses red.AT THE MEETING of a four-in-hand club that took place not long ago, a red-haired family was liberally scattered over the outside of one of the coaches. The effect of several different shades of yellow and orange was simply desperate. In one case the red was grizzled, gently shading off into the characterless grey that is the last fate of hair of this colour. In another its owner had shown it off to the very greatest disadvantage by wearing a very bright shade of blue in her ribbons. Her intention was good - the result disastrous. Another and younger sister wore a dress almost exactly matching her rosy locks, but brighter instead of paler. She thus rendered her rather pretty colouring pale, faint, and grey. We shall see, as we get on, what these girls ought to have done to render their "family" hair less conspicuous and more becoming.THERE IS A WARM and lovely tinge of red, that the old masters loved to paint, and which the pre-Raphaelite faction of our own time adore. There are gold lights in it, bronze reflets (there is really no English word for reflets), and hints of brown in the shade. Such hair should always ripple and wave, or it loses half its loveliness. It should catch the light at many different angles, so that, like a diamond or an opal, it may display itself. In the sun, such hair is simply glorious. The Peter Bells of the world (and their name is legion) glance at it, call it red, recollect that red hair is not admired, and think no more of it than their prototype did of the yellow primrose. This shade of red is not common. It is sometimes seen with brown eyes, brown eyelashes, brown eyebrows, brunette colouring. Out of a strong light it is insignificant, and might be called straw-coloured. When it is perfectly straight it is insignificant. It should, therefore, be artificially waved, and arranged in wide, loose plaits. We have, alas! no recipe to offer for obtaining perpetual sunshine in our ile brumeuse, but a woman possessing hair like this may be forgiven if she sits on the lawn in summer without her hat, letting the little sunbeams make the best and the most of her "crown of glory."THE COMMONER SHADES are more orange than yellow. Eve the worst of these may be cleverly managed in either of the two modes referred to some lines back; viz., by administering a treatment of similitude or one of contrast. "What! wear red with red hair?" someone asks, aghast. No, no; wear yellow, orange, amber, with what is called red hair. Gold - real gold, not gold-coloured ribbons and silks, which have not the true 'gold' shade -deprives red hair of a very large proportion of its aggressive redness. The difficultly is that none of the ornaments used at the present day are suitable in gold; that few persons can afford real gold, and that imitation is not to be thought of; and that bullion, when used decoratively, is nearly always mis-used, i.e., used too liberally, whether in furniture or dress. It appears to be one of those things which, like opium-eating or smoking, cannot be indulged in without excess.ONCE A GILT chair gets into a drawing-room, more gilt chairs follow it, then a gilt table under the gilt-framed mirror; then comes an ebony and gold piano, an ebony and gold music-stool; and thus the mischief increases, until the eye has no rest from gold and black. It is like a spurious and cheap edition of the progress of King Midas.A GOLD BAND on red hair has then, an excellent effect. An amber ribbon disposed either in fillets, if the shape of the head be good enough, or in small knots if the arrangement of the hair lends itself to them, will often serve to glorify rather dead-looking hair. The shade of amber must, however, be most judiciously selected. It should be just an idea lighter and brighter than the tint of the hair.ABOUT SIX YEARS AGO - It became fashionable to wear very small knots of ribbon in the hair. These were composed of a piece of ribbon about two inches wide, and not more than five inches long, twisted round into very small compass. Through these a hairpin was pushed, and the knots were thus fastened into the coiffure. Never was a more becoming "trimming" invented for the head. When judiciously placed, the small knots served to indicate and emphasize the best points of the outline of the head, and when carefully chosen with respect to colour, the effect was excellent from every point of view. Brunettes may wear scarlet, crimson, maize, or dark blue, according to their complexion; blondes choosing pale, lavender, dull, deep reds, or amber.THIS IS HOW RED hair and some kindred shades may be treated by similitude. We will now see how far the doctrine of contrast applies. There are very few shades that may be ventured upon in juxtaposition with so daring a colour as that called red, when exhibited in the hair. These, too, must be of the very palest. There are soft, nemophila blue, a greenish forget-me-not blue, also a still paler greenish evening-sky-blue, all of which go admirably with the most garish shades of red hair. Pinks and red must be abjured. Very pale lavender has an excellent effect. In the evening, white flowers are charming in red hair, more especially when arranged in sprays. When red hair is wavy, and falls in pretty lines, so as to catch the light becomingly, these colours may be used very sparingly; but when the hair is straight, lank, uninteresting, it may with excellent effect be almost entirely covered with one of the handkerchief caps of soft silk now again in fashion.WE ONCE NOTICED very red hair tied back with a crimson ribbon. The effect ought to have been terrible; it was, on the contrary, admirable, but then, the wearer was a child of ten, with an exquisite complexion, the soft pearly white tints that accompany red hair so often, with faint pink touches on cheeks and lips, and eyelashes darker than the hair. We do not advise our rousses to try the experiment if they have left behind them the "wild freshness of morning." It would be a little risqué.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Frizzy Red Hair in Ancient Egypt
"Khama. The ancient name of Soleb on the Nile in Nubia, where there is a celebrated temple of Thothmes III. Here we have the chief of Khama making his offering with the commander of Kush and another.
One of the most important figures in this tomb is that of an Ethiopian Queen, in a chariot drawn by two oxen, white, pied or clouded with black, a kind still found in Abyssinia, as Mr Houghton remarks in the "Bible Educator." The Queen's complexion is reddish brown. Her face is now injured, but from the engravings it appears to have been well formed with regular profile. In these pictures Hui is receiving the subjects of his province, and, as Mariette says, "People of every shade of complexion and of every race present themselves before him. Some are Negroes with distinctive features strongly marked; others are of the Negro type, but brown in colour; others, also copper-coloured, have more northerly features; there are also men of a red tint like the Egyptians, mingled with white-complexioned women."
Mr Petrie's notes of colour are most carefully discriminated and very valuable. It is very curious to find in the paintings blacks with red hair. It is hard to suppose that this does not prove red hair in the original, and it reminds us of a strange race in Nubia, whom Miss Edwards describes as black in complexion, but with "light blue eyes and frizzy red hair," at Derr, the captial of Nubia; and higher up "fair" families, whose hideous light hair and blue eyes (grafted on brown-black skins) date back to Bosnian forefathers of 300 years ago. These people are "immensely proud of their alien blood, and think themselves quite beautiful".
Now I think there must have been red-haired blacks, and perhaps blonde-haired, in old Pharaonic days. As to blue eyes, in the painting, we have grey-eyed blacks, but not (I think) with red hair. In photo. 790 we have five negroes on ship-board of whom three are black with red hair, dotted with black (? "frizzy red hair,") and two are red-skinned with yellow hair.
Apart from blue eyes, however, we must take into account the dyeing of hair, and General Haig has kindly written to me: "I observed that you remark upon the curious fact of some of the Pun races being depicted with red hair, or brown, which there seems at first no way of accounting for. The Somalis constantly dye their hair these colours, I think, by plastering it with lime. This peculiarity strikes one much on arriving at Aden, where there are some thousands of these people. The hair is frizzly, and no doubt black by nature, and I suppose the colours mentioned are esteemed a beauty among them and obtained as described."The custom described by General Haig may be as old as the use of antimony for the eyes, or henna for red staining. I think caustic alkali has been used in this country for brightening the colour of dark brown hair. Of course, it will not account for the light-blue eyes of Miss Edwards' hideous dandies. Mr. Villiers Stuart says that he has "seen red-haired mummies in the crocodile-caverns of Abou-faida." Mr. Petrie suggests that this hair may be white stained in some way."
A slightly long read, but worthy of record nonetheless (perhaps the next one will be nice and short).
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
..From the Pages of a Political Hoax
"Egypt calls to us from her tombs, telling us that the secret of progress and of a final perfected humanity lies in the principle of Miscegenation."
"It must be observed how forcibly the doctrine here urged of the passage of man from one complexion to another, and through successively different forms of skull in the course of ages, is illustrated by the singular circumstance to which attention has of late years been directed, of the gradual disappearance of the red-haired and blue-eyed men from Europe. Less than two thousand years ago the Roman authors bear their concurrent testimony to the fact, that the inhabitants of Britain, Gaul, and a large portion of Germany, were of this kind. But no one would accept such a description as correct in our own times. The true reason is that the red-haired man has been slowly changing to get into correspondence with the conditions that have been introduced through the gradual spread of civilization - conditions of a purely physical kind, and with which the darker man was more in unison."
"The red hair and beard so common in Ireland is a sure indication of the southern origin of its people. When a very dark people move to a northern climate the physiological change effected by the temperature is to convert the black into red hair. The red may change in the course of many generations into light or sandy, but the red which comes from a very dark people is not to be confounded with blonde or light-brown which distinguishes a northern people."
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Is the Mona Lisa red-haired?
The other day I came across this high-resolution picture of the Mona Lisa. Since the file is very heavy, I won't upload it here. If you zoom in, you will notice that the sitter's hair is reddish, especially on the left side of the painting.
Is this the original colouring of the painting or is the reddish hue due to conservation treatments and cleaning?
Probably the answer to this question also lies in the identity of the woman portrayed. As you know, the official theory is that she is Lisa Gherardini, wife of wealthy Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo. The painting is thought to have been commissioned for their new home, and to celebrate the birth of their second son, Andrea. The Italian name for the painting, La Gioconda, means 'jocund' ('happy' or 'jovial') or, literally, 'the jocund one', a pun on the feminine form of Lisa's married name, Giocondo. In French, the title La Joconde has the same meaning.
The other theory considered by art historians concerns Isabella d'Este. Isabella d'Este (1474–1539) was Margravine of Mantua and the most famous patron of the arts of her time. Leonardo was her sister Beatrice d'Este's court painter in the Duchy of Milan. In 1499, after the expulsion of the Sforza (his employers), Leonardo fled to the court of Isabella d'Este. Over a period of three months, Leonardo made several portrait drawings of Isabella (documented by letters). One of these drawings, a profile drawing, is preserved in the Louvre and shows similarities.
From the subsequent years 1501 to 1506, several letters survive in which
Isabella—directly and through agents—pursued Leonardo with demands for
the promised execution of the (oil) portrait (and her agents promised or
also confirmed Leonardo's commencement). The Mona Lisa falls precisely
within this period. The hierarchical society of the Renaissance makes the portrait of an upper-class noblewoman more likely than the wife of a modestly merchant.
Other unofficial theories refer to Cecilia Gallerani (the famous Lady with an Ermine), Costanza d'Avalos, Duchess of Francavilla, Caterina Sforza and Leonardo himself.
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Lady with an Ermine |
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La dama dei gelsomini, presumed portrait of Caterina Sforza by Lorenzo di Credi |
Another interesting theory refers to Isabella of Aragon. This presupposes that the painting took place in the 1490s, during da Vinci's Milanese period, but the painting has officially been dated as later. However, according to Renaissance historian Maike Vogt-Luerssen, not only the sitter is Isabella of Aragon, but she and Leonardo got married after the death of Isabella's husband, Gian Galeazzo Sforza. They had five children (two sons and three daughters). If you scroll down this page you'll find many painting potraying Isabella of Aragon (at least according to Vogt-Lüerssen) and, at the bottom, several books and articles (in English and in German) about the theory Isabella of Aragon/Mona Lisa.
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Portrait of a Lady, by Bernardino Luini (presumed portrait of Isabella of Aragon) | |
Also, this is a portrait by Raffaello Sanzio, allegedly depicting Isabella of Aragon as Mona Lisa.
A possible evidence of the sitter being red-haired is this copy of the Mona Lisa, commonly attributed to Leonardo's co-worker Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, better known as Salaì. Here the red colour is more obvious.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Ginger cats, the most intelligent of all!
Those of you who have or have had red cats will no doubt have noticed that they are much more intelligent than cats of other colours (mine are 😁).
The interesting thing is that the famous ethologist Desmond Morris has also noticed this.
Here is an English translation of a couple of paragraphs from this article.
"Is there a relationship between the colours of cats and their character?
To answer this question, the well-known British ethologist Desmond Morris has carried out a very thorough study that relates the colour of a cat's coat to its personality. And the results are truly fascinating!
The basic consideration from which Morris started is very simple: cats of the same colour tend to develop very similar behaviour. The next step was to observe numerous similar specimens to try to associate each colour with a precise character. This led to some interesting considerations.
Red cats
They are the most intelligent. It is no coincidence that the very few cat trainers on the world stage favour them for their acts in circus and television shows. It is difficult to say to what such intelligence is due. Desmond Morris has a theory of his own: accustomed from an early age to being the centre of attention because of their unusual and striking colour, red kittens are said to have developed a kind of 'egocentrism' that makes them more receptive and in need of attention than others."
And what do you think is the reason for this higher intelligence of red cats? 😸
Monday, November 14, 2022
Red Hair in Art: Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis
Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis (c. 1455 – c. 1508) was an Italian Renaissance painter, illuminator and designer of coins active in Milan. Ambrogio gained a reputation as a portraitist, including as a painter of miniatures, at the court of Ludovico Sforza.
Little is known about his training. He initially worked as an illuminator in collaboration with his half-brother Cristoforo. He produced seven miniatures for a Book of Hours in 1472 (the work no longer exists) and again for a Book of Hours in 1474. He then worked on designs for the local mint in Milan along with his brother Bernardino. He subsequently worked for the court of the Sforzas for a number of years, mainly as a portrait painter. It is during this time that he offered hospitality to Leonardo da Vinci when he arrived in Milan.
A marriage was arranged between Emperor Maximilian I and Bianca Maria Sforza, niece of Ludovico il Moro, but before the former would commit to the arrangement, he requested a portrait of his proposed bride. The portrait of Bianca Maria was painted by Ambrogio, who followed her to Innsbruck after the wedding in 1493, and there he worked for several years in the lady's service before returning to Milan, where he designed coins for the mint, designed and supervised tapestry works, and prepared stage scenery. In 1502 he produced his only surviving signed and dated work, a portrait of the Emperor Maximilian. Much of Ambrogio de Predis's artistic output remains in dispute.
He and his brother Evangelista are known to have collaborated with Leonardo da Vinci on the painting of the Virgin of the Rocks for the altarpiece in the chapel of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception at the Church of San Francesco Grande, Milan. Leonardo painted the central panel with the Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery, London), while the two brothers created the side panels.
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Portrait of a Lady (assumed to be Beatrice d'Este) |
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Portrait of Gian Galeazzo Visconti |
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Girl with Cherries |
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Portrait of an Unknown Woman |
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Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza |
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Portrait of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor |
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Portrait of a Young Man (Gian Galeazzo Sforza?), attributed to de Predis |
Red Hair in Art: Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (or Beltraffio) (1466 or 1467 – 1516) was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance from Lombardy, who worked in the studio of Leonardo da Vinci. Boltraffio and Bernardino Luini are the strongest artistic personalities to emerge from Leonardo's studio. According to Giorgio Vasari, he was of an aristocratic family and was born in Milan.
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Madonna and Child |
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Female Portrait |
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Portrait of a Young Man | |
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Portrait of a Young Man |
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Portrait of a Young Boy (sometimes identified with Francesco Maria Sforza, son of Isabella of Aragon and Gian Galeazzo Sforza) |
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Virgin and Child |
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Pala Casio (Madonna and child with St Giovanni Battista, St Sebastian and two donors) |
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Detail of the above |
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Madonna and Child |